Dr. Tamara Ebner

Senior scientist, Anton Paar GmbH


Dr. Tamara Ebner is a senior battery scientist at Anton Paar GmbH. With a background in non-ferrous metallurgy and industrial environmental protection, specializing in recycling of non-ferrous metals and process engineering, she has several years of experience in various characterization methodologies. Her recent focus in on the techniques used for the physical characterization of materials used in lithium ion battery manufacturing and recycling, both in the R&D and QC laboratories, as well as in process.


"Characterization of the most important physical properties of battery materials and slurries".

The research, development and use of lithium-ion batteries to power phones, laptops, cars and other devices is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. It is therefore becoming increasingly important to improve the safety, performance and lifetime of batteries. These properties highly depend on the quality of materials used during the cell manufacturing process. In this talk, an overview of some of the most important physical attributes of battery materials and slurries will be presented, as well as the techniques used to accurately measure them. Analysis data of surface area, pore size, particle size, particle shape, solid density and rheology on real-life samples will provide insight on the effects of these parameters on the final outcome.
