Mr. Viktor Irle

Mr. Viktor Irle

Sales and Market Analyst at EV-volumes


Viktor Irle has a Management & Economics of Innovation from Chalmers University ofTechnology, where he learnt analyzing emerging markets and market disruptions from new innovations. Being passionate about automobiles and especially electric engines and clean technology, is the natural outcome of his set of skills. Viktor is convinced the future automotive history is both electric and autonomous.


“The recent history of electric vehicle sales and what to expect goingforward"

The presentation will cover an EVSales Review of first half of 2022 as well as expectations going forward and implications on battery demand and will share the latest insights from collecting the facts in the EV industry. We will look at specifics on EV adoption, OEM and Model rankings, and what to expect in the future, both short term, and long term. Everything in terms of vehicle sales will also be translated into the battery demand

All spekaers

We are currently working on our list of speakers for the conference.